Strategic Procurement and Inventory Management System with Introduction to Contract Management By LIVE ONLINE PROGRAM

Procurement function is one of the main strategic, if not the most important function in a business organization.  Company profitability and ability to drive up market share usually relying on an effective and efficient procurement management system

This 14 hours training program is designed to bring awareness, knowledge, skill, and technique to managing a effective and strategic procurement operation.

In this program, driven by a trainer with over 30 years experiences in supply chain and procurement management, participants will learn the key principal of strategic procurement management and how to implement action plan to correct any weaknesses in their current operation.

Key areas covered by this training related to procurement management are role of  procurement and business challenges, strategic and tactical strategies of procurement, inventory management, managing procure to pay system and contract management.



By the end of the 14 hours by 4 session interactive online session, the learning curve achieve will  enable the following:-

  1. UNDERSTAND the strategic sourcing role of procurement in business operation
  2. IDENTIFY The type of strategy to be in place to manage the procurement and inventory operation
  3. DEVELOP action plan to implement supplies management strategies
  4. CARRY OUT risk assessment and take action to overcome to ensure supplies are not disrupted
  5. MANAGING the contract management system to ensure effective management
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