Mobile Security

Mobile Security


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Urus Kota Security mobile security patrol officers understand that effective mobile patrolling involves more than driving around in a patrol vehicle. GPS patrol tracking systems constantly monitor mobile security patrol activities. Electronic checkpoints are installed ensure that mobile security patrols are conducted. During patrols mobile security guards complete patrol logs detailing their observations and any incidents that occur during their service. All of our patrol vehicles are uniformed with security decals and vibrant emergency lighting systems to identify it as a security patrol and response unit. Security guards on mobile security patrols drive the patrol vehicles with care and proper driving technique.

·Vehicle patrols are tracked by electronic patrol tracking systems

·Real-time GPS tracking

·Officers combine foot and mobile patrol techniques

·Armed and unarmed mobile patrol services available

·Service available for residential and commercial properties


Urus Kota Security services random nightly patrol program security guards do not stay fixed on the same site throughout the patrol shift. Instead, the security guards provide mobile patrols several times over the course a specified time period each night. The guard leaves after each patrol and patrols other sites. During each security patrol tour security guards check for suspicious activity, evidence of foul play and monitors general activity on the site. Patrols are conducted at random intervals preventing criminals from predicting patrol time and thus protecting sites from criminal activity. This solution provides the appearance of comprehensive security presence while falling within tight budget constraints.

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