Hotel Security

Hotel Security


Urus Kota Security understands that providing hotel security services depends as much on providing excellent customer service as it depends on enforcement of rules of the hotel. Urus Kota Security understands that hotels have unique needs that differ from other clients outside of the hospitality industry. Hotel security guards duties typically extend outside the scope of responsibilities that an officer can expect outside of the hospitality industry.  Urus Kota Security’s hotel security guards understand this and are ready to assist wherever they are needed.  Electronic patrol tracking systems are used to monitor patrol activities.  Reports are generated detailing officer’s location throughout their patrols. Written records are kept documenting any incidents or other matters that occur while the officer is on duty.

Urus Kota Security account managers will create a security plan including a hotel security checklist that is customized for the needs of each specific site. The security plan takes every aspect of the job in consideration.


General hotel security patrols involve patrolling the general area of the hotel.  Areas patrolled may include the entire facility including the parking lot or patrols could be limited to interior lobby and hallways.  The best option is determined by the needs of the location.  Patrol tracking is an essential part of any general hotel security patrol program.  Patrol tracking provides verification that the patrols are covering the critical areas with the desired frequency.  


Many hotels host banquets and other events throughout the year.  It is becoming increasingly common to see hotel security guards on duty at these events.  The presence of hotel security guards allows their event and their guests while the security guard maintains order and prevents unauthorized persons from entering.  Urus Kota Security guards use a firm but fair approach to enforcement that effectively prevents problems without affecting the spirit of the event.  

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